I Trulli in New York, NY feat. on The Best Thing I Ever Ate

I Trulli in New York, NY Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show The Best Thing I Ever Ate


2 minute read

I Trulli

Came here with my friends and was SO pleasantly surprised by the menu. We sat outside on the patio and enjoyed a lot of delicious wine from the owner’s vineyards in Italy. I was also pleased to see the owner Nicola making his way around tables chatting to guests and making them feel welcome.

Restaurant Information

-address: 122 East 27th Street, New York, NY 10010, USA
-website http://www.itrulli.com/
-email address info@itrulli.com
-phone number (212) 481-7372 phone number for I Trulli”)

Social Media for the I Trulli Restaurant

-facebook https://www.facebook.com/itrulli
-twitter http://twitter.com/itrullinyc

Latest Youtube Videos

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title: I Trulli di Alberobello - Aurelio Fierro (Valzer dei Trulli)
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title: I Trulli di ALBEROBELLO. 2013-0033
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title: Aurelio Fierro canta I trulli di Alberobello
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title: I TRULLI
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