Kogi BBQ in Los Angeles, CA feat. on The Best Thing I Ever Ate

Kogi BBQ in Los Angeles, CA Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show The Best Thing I Ever Ate


2 minute read

Kogi BBQ

Thursday is my favorite day of the work-week because a Kogi truck parks up across the street from my office.

Restaurant Information

-address: Azul Truck, Los Angeles, CA
-website http://kogibbq.com/
-email address IntL@kogibbq.com
-phone number (323) 315-0253 phone number for Kogi BBQ”)

Social Media for the Kogi BBQ Restaurant

-facebook https://www.facebook.com/KogiBBQTacos
-twitter http://twitter.com/kogibbq

Latest Youtube Videos

This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Kogi BBQ: VendrTV
description: No trip to Los Angeles would be complete without a visit to one of the most notable of the new generation of street vendors, Kogi BBQ. At Kogi, Chef Roy meld…

title: KOGI BBQ on CNN
description: CNN showed up to do a segment on the Kogi BBQ Taco trucks. This was filmed at the La Mirada location in or around May. My girlfriend, my friend Craig and I a…

title: The Hotbox - Ep. 15 - Roy Choi (Kogi BBQ)
description: To get more info on Kogi visit: http://www.kogibbq.com A big shout out to Roy Choi, Follow him on twitter at @RidingshotgunLA Hosted by: @dumbfoundead Music …

title: Taco Trucks | Good Food Pilot (featuring Kogi BBQ and El Pique)
description: If Los Angeles had an official food, it would undoubtedly be the taco. And to feed LA’s incessant need for 247 snack-sized meat-filled tortillas, there are …

title: Roy Choi / Sunny Spot / Kogi BBQ
description: Known for breaking the rules, Roy Choi’s dropped a handful of LPs that’ve challenged people to eat with their souls instead of their brains. During the Kogi …