Maharlika in New York, NY feat. on Unique Eats
Maharlika in New York, NY Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Unique Eats
First time having Filipino food, and I loved it!
My friends and I came to the restaurant 15 minutes after our reservation but the seating hostess was kind enough to still seat us four.
Restaurant Information
-address: 111 1st Ave, New York, NY 10003, USA
-phone number (646) 392-7880 phone number for Maharlika”)
Social Media for the Maharlika Restaurant
Latest Youtube Videos
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title: His Story of Maharlika Revealed
description: Prince Julian Mordem Tallano revealed the history of the lost kingdom of Maharlika, along with Atty-In-Fact Mario Tuazon ,, they discussed facts which are no…
title: Maharlika Filipino Moderno, Restaurant Profile in New York
description: Maharlika Filipino Moderno is providing a new take on the underdog of Asian cuisine. The New York restaurant, based in the East Village, has been drawing att…
title: NY CHOW Report - Sisig at Maharlika
description: Filipino food is placed in the spotlight at the East Village’s Maharlika where they serve sisig, a traditional dish that uses unusual pig parts. Con…
title: MAHARLIKA The movie Teaser
description: MAHARLIKA The movie is an effort to campaign to change name Philippines back to MAHARLIKA, our country’s original name prior to King Felipe 11 of Spain , who…
title: The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Maharlika
description: Part of the Dr. John Ortiz Teope interview of Mario T. Papa, Atty-in-Fact of the Tala Estate. Please Click this Link to view the entire story http://www.yout...