Beaver Choice in Tempe, AZ feat. on Eden Eats
Beaver Choice in Tempe, AZ Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Eden Eats
Beaver Choice
We love this place! The food is good, very unique, and the employees (family) are super friendly.
They are moving soon, early 2013 I believe. Don’t go if you’re in a rush.
When you order the schnitzel you’ll often hear them pounding it out in the
back. A lot of dishes take 30+ minutes but thats what good, not-premade,
family crafted food takes.
My favorites are the poutine (french fries covered with gravy and cheese curds) and the rosti (omg-wtf-awesome hashbrowns). All of the main dishes I’ve tried were good (cabbage rolls, schnitzel, etc)
Restaurant Information
-address: 1743 East Broadway Tempe, AZ 85282
-email address
-phone number (480) 921-3137 phone number for Beaver Choice”)
Social Media for the Beaver Choice Restaurant
-no twitter available if you know it and want to help out let us know
Latest Youtube Videos
This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
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