Diesel Filling Station in Atlanta, GA feat. on United States of Bacon
Diesel Filling Station in Atlanta, GA Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show United States of Bacon
Diesel Filling Station
A friend and I were there last Friday night between 11:30 and 2am. Just to be clear, I didn’t even know they served food, and that wasn’t the reason for our visit.
My friend and I just wanted a cool place to hang out and grab some drinks and for us, Diesel was perfect.
The atmosphere was exactly what I wanted, not too loud, relaxed, and everyone there was friendly!
Restaurant Information
-address: 870 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30306, USA
-website http://www.dieselatlanta.com
-email address info@dieselatlanta.com
-phone number (404) 815-1820 phone number for Diesel Filling Station”)
Social Media for the Diesel Filling Station Restaurant
-facebook http://www.facebook.com/DieselFillingStation
-twitter http://twitter.com/DieselAtlanta
Latest Youtube Videos
This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Diesel Atlanta’s Death Muffin
description: Thrillist ATL came by Diesel Filling Station to film the making of the infamous Death Muffin, which includes the Bacon Explosion.
title: Walking Dead Viewing Party with Nerd Reactor
description: Team Nerd Reactor heads to Diesel Filling Station in ATL to check out the viewing party for the Walking Dead Season 3 Premiere. Viewing parties every Sunday …
title: Filling up my Schneider Truck with Diesel Fuel (filling up a big truck!)
description: (recorded 10-18-2009) This is what is involved in filling up a big truck!!
title: Get Up Kid by Whoa Nelly!
description: Whoa Nelly! Performs at Diesel Filling Station. The title of this bluegrass tune is named Get Up Kid.
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