PIZANO in Chicago, IL feat. on Food Paradise
PIZANO in Chicago, IL Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Food Paradise
This is my favorite pizza. The BEST I have ever eaten. The crust is closer to pastry dough than bread dough, and the cheese is rich and delicious. Their homemade sausage is flavorful and juicy.
Restaurant Information
-address: 864 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60610, USA
-website http://www.pizanoschicago.com/
-email address info@pizanoschicago.com
-phone number (312) 751-1766 phone number for PIZANO”)
Social Media for the PIZANO Restaurant
-facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pizanos-Pizza-and-Pasta/234419639985756
-twitter http://twitter.com/pizanoschicago
Latest Youtube Videos
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title: El Gorgojo Contra-ataca Comercial Pizano S.A.
description: Comercial de los 80 animado.
title: .: comercial Triplex Pizano
title: Entrevista con Daniel Samper Pizano en FNPI 26/01/2012
description: Entrevista con Daniel Samper Pizano en FNPI “Un periodista que no le gusten las chivas (primicias) es como un mujeriego que no le gusten las mujeres” Daniel …
title: Matias Pizano Parte Ojo de Pez 11
description: Matias Pizano parte en Ojo De Dez 11 video argentino de Felipe Carrosella.
title: Matias Pizano Parte
description: Westy Guarros Video. Producido por Ignacio Maqui.