TAVERNA OPA in Hollywood, FL feat. on Rachael Ray $40 a Day
TAVERNA OPA in Hollywood, FL Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Rachael Ray $40 a Day
Taverna Opa is one of my boyfriend favorite places. He is of middle eastern decent so this is his food of choice. He did the ordering. I do love hummus, the yogurt with cucumber/pita bread, grape leaves, we had a combination plate of meat (chicken, beef, lamb) and rice. Everything was delicious.
Restaurant Information
-address: 410 North Ocean Drive, Hollywood, FL 33019, USA
-website http://www.tavernaopa.com/
-email address info@tavernaopa.com
-phone number (954) 929-4010 phone number for TAVERNA OPA”)
Social Media for the TAVERNA OPA Restaurant
-facebook https://www.facebook.com/TavernaOpaRestaurant
-twitter https://twitter.com/tavernaopa
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