Sunnys Bar in Brooklyn, NY feat. on No Reservations
Sunnys Bar in Brooklyn, NY Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show No Reservations
Sunnys Bar
This place is amazing. Plain and simple. A model of a dive bar. I get the feeling that the woman behind the bar cracks many more PBRs than she makes mixed drinks. They had awesome live music while we were there, and people were cavorting and dancing. Such a wonderful space.
Restaurant Information
-address: 253 Conover Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231, USA
-no email address available if you know it and want to help out let us know
-phone number (718) 625-8211 phone number for Sunnys Bar”)
Social Media for the Sunnys Bar Restaurant
-no twitter available if you know it and want to help out let us know
Latest Youtube Videos
This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Saturday Night At Sunny’s Bar
description: This is a short about Saturday night at Sunny’s Bar in Redhook, shot a couple of years ago for a production class. Thank you Sunny’s Bar and patrons for allo…
title: sunny’s bar - bluegrass
description: sat. night @ sunny’s bar in red hook.
title: Sunny’s bar
description: Redhook.
title: Folsom Prison Blues (Johnny Cash) - Bluegrass Jam Session - Sunny’s Bar - Brooklyn (NY)
description: Folsom Prison Blues (Johnny Cash Cover) during a Bluegrass Jam Session at Sunny’s Bar In Red Hook, Brooklyn (NY). 21/01/2012 Lyric: I hear the train a comin’…
title: Blue Night (Bill Monroe) - Bluegrass Jam Session - Sunny’s Bar - Brooklyn (NY)
description: Blue Night (Bill Monroe Cover) during a Bluegrass Jam Session at Sunny’s Bar In Red Hook (Brooklyn, NYC). 21/01/2012 Lyric: Blue night I got you on my mind B…