Meat and Potatoes in Pittsburgh, PA feat. on Food Paradise
Meat and Potatoes in Pittsburgh, PA Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Food Paradise
Meat and Potatoes
This place is a great addition to the Pittsburgh restaurant scene. It’s been on my list for quite awhile and I finally got there on my recent visit to the burgh. A friend and I risked it without reservations and met at 6, we were lucky and easily snagged 2 seats at the bar. This place is small - it took me awhile to realize that the mirrors on the walls around the place were just that - mirrors and that the place wasn’t huge.
Restaurant Information
-address: 649 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, USA
-email address
-phone number (412) 325-7007 phone number for Meat and Potatoes”)
Social Media for the Meat and Potatoes Restaurant
Latest Youtube Videos
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title: Sherlock Holmes Meat or Potatoes Fight Scene HD
description: The “Meat or Potatoes” fight scene from Sherlock Holmes (2009).
title: Louis Armstrong - All That Meat And No Potatoes
description: I love this song! ©SME.
title: Meat and Potato Grub recipe by the BBQ Pit Boys
description: Any good woman knows, feed a man a big bowl of bacon cheeseburger grub and then all is good! Check out this classic BBQ Pit Boys meat and mashed potatoes, lo…