Superba Snack Bar in Los Angeles, CA feat. on Unique Eats
Superba Snack Bar in Los Angeles, CA Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Unique Eats
Superba Snack Bar
I got a gift certificate to this spot for my birthday and we finally got the chance to go tonight. It worked out very well; it was our 5 year anniversary! I read that we’d need a reservation so I called and made an early Saturday evening time.
I was worried about 1)parking and 2)my wife’s celiac disease. The website said substitutions were declined but gluten-free pasta was available. So as soon as we sat down, we asked the server what our “safe” food options were. She informed us that we could leave off croutons or breads from the plates that had them. We could eat the fried chicken because they had a gluten-free breading option. Ultimately, we had NOTHING to worry about!!
We started with a champagne cocktail that had ginger, cucumber & vermouth. Refreshing, interesting combo of flavors and not “sweet”.
Restaurant Information
-address: 533 Rose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90291, USA
-email address
-phone number (310) 399-6400 phone number for Superba Snack Bar”)
Social Media for the Superba Snack Bar Restaurant
Latest Youtube Videos
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title: Superba Snack Bar on TMZ / Keri Hilson Discussing Vegetables
description: The people on TMZ discuss the Cauliflower T-Bone at Superba Snack Bar.
title: Short Rib Ravioli - Chef Jason Neroni - Hanging with Harris - Small Screen
description: Chef Jason Neroni of Superba Snack Bar in Venice Beach, CA shared a few secrets of handmade short rib ravioli with Billy. As such, Billy was made almost spee…
title: How to Cold Smoke Pasta Noodles: Jason Neroni’s Smoked Bucatini Carbonara
description: Jason Neroni is the chef at Superba Snack Bar in Venice, California. He cold smokes his bucatini pasta dough to infuse a smoky flavor into the noodles. Deep …
title: Chefs@Google: Jason Neroni
description: Chef Jason Neroni of Superba Snack Bar visited Google LA to share his gnocchi recipe. This talk took place on May 10, 2013.
title: Artisanal Italian Cuisine with Jason Neroni
description: Chef Jason Neroni shares our values of community building, dedication to quality, and an appreciation of what is delicious in life. From his Venice Beach cul…