Scratch Bakery Durham in Durham, NC feat. on Brew Dogs
Scratch Bakery Durham in Durham, NC Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Brew Dogs
Scratch Bakery Durham
Scratch makes real, honest, hand-crafted food. We support and nurture relationships with local farmers and producers and are proud to be a part of Durham, North Carolina’s growing, vibrant food community.
Restaurant Information
-address: 111 Orange St, Durham, NC 27701, USA
-email address
-phone number (919) 956-5200 phone number for Scratch Bakery Durham”)
Social Media for the Scratch Bakery Durham Restaurant
Latest Youtube Videos
This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: A Red for a Blue
description: Tony heads to a party, and makes a choice he won’t soon forget. Cast: Tony - Conrad Haynes Jenny - Jazmine Noble Katrice - Trinity Casimir Micki - Kelly McCr…
title: Durham
description: In the season premiere, James and Martin are in Durham, North Carolina, on a quest to brew a beer with the most calories ever. But first, the two take a spin…
title: Homemade Mexican Flour Tortillas Recipe
description: List of ingredients below. Link to complete written instructions: INGREDIENTS Set 1 3 c. all-purpose flo…
title: “Christmas at Union Station” - The Durham Museum - November 23, 2012
description: It’s a time-honored tradition in Omaha, Nebraska: Christmas at Union Station. Each year the season is kicked off at The Durham Museum…
title: Sweet Careers: Baking & Decorative Pastry Arts
description: The Madison College Baking & Decorative Arts program recently hosted a dessert buffet fundraiser. From candy and cookies to beautiful cakes, there was someth…