Italian Corner in Riverside, RI feat. on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives

Italian Corner in Riverside, RI Photos, Map, Videos, Reviews and Highlighted Meals as featured on the TV show Diners Drive-Ins and Dives


2 minute read

Italian Corner

Italian Corner is the real deal: a small grocery store selling all manner of Old Country staples, from olive oil, to pasta, to pesto, to coffee: really, seriously good coffee. There’s also a grocery counter that serves up fresh, delicious Italian dishes on a daily basis. If you are lucky enough to work in the neighborhood, there’s no other consideration for lunch.

Restaurant Information

-address: 10 Boyd Avenue, Riverside, RI 02914, USA
-no email address available if you know it and want to help out let us know
-phone number (401) 431-1737 phone number for Italian Corner”)

Social Media for the Italian Corner Restaurant

-no twitter available if you know it and want to help out let us know

Latest Youtube Videos

This video from YouTube has either been tagged or mentioned in he description for this restaurant. Let us know if this is not a correct video or if you have a better one and we will update it if needed.
title: Italian Corner
description: Cranston At its Finest.

title: Italian Corner 2011

title: Olga’s Project - Italian Corner (Livingstone, Zambia) - English.avi
description: On 1 September 2008 CeLIM launched Olga’s - Italian Corner Restaurant in the city center of Livingstone. How did the idea of an Italian restaurant (see Menu)…

title: 2011 輔仁大學 Italian Corner 之 手勢篇

title: 2011 輔仁大學 Italian Corner 之 球賽篇